Perth Reggio Network Meeting

Date: Monday 26 August 2024

Time: 6.30pm - 8.00pm


Category: WA Network

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Program Description

The Perth Reggio Network meeting will take place on Boorloo land.

In Term 3, the Perth Network is thrilled to have the opportunity to visit The Akidamy School of Early Learning as we continue our exploration of the principle of the 100 Languages. This meeting will include a tour of Akidamy’s inspiring environment, in addition to the following wonderful presentation by the educators as we hear more about their most recent whole school research project.

An insight into our whole school project, “CONTRAST” how we enhance our lines of inquiry through the fascinations of our children. Experience the immersive way we present experiences to children and see the world through their eyes.
We will show you where to look but not what to see.