Contribute to The Challenge

The Challenge is REAIE’s public voice and is predominantly made up of articles written by our membership. The Challenge is our place to make visible the ways that the ideas from Reggio Emilia are influencing our thinking and practice in our own contexts. Some of the articles are written by those new to the ideas, some are from the pen of those who have been working and thinking about these ideas for many, many years. Occasionally the voice is from overseas.

Do you have something you would like to share? A project with children? Research with teachers? A summary or particular focus from your Masters or PhD? Perhaps you have a reflection you would like to write or a report from a conference or experience you attended. Maybe you have questions or a particular series of images. We invite you to contribute!

Professional Learning Coordinator

03 9100 4900

If you have something ready for the editorial board, please use the button below to submit your article. Attach it as a word document and images as jpegs, noting your preferred placement of images in the article.

And if you would like to be mentored in your writing or you have an idea for an article you would like to discuss, get in touch with us via the contact form.

We look forward to your submission.

Contact form