South Australian Network Groups
Adelaide Network Group
The Adelaide Network meets once a term to explore the principles of the Reggio Emilia approach to education. We are mindful of our South Australian context and closely reference Carla Rinaldi’s ‘Re-imagining Childhood’. Each term we meet at a South Australian site that represents one of the principles in action. We offer four workshops that people can choose to attend: Research, Reading, Starting Your Journey, and a Site Option. All are welcome!
Wednesday evenings – Week 5 of each term.
Convenor: Holly Baulderstone
Email: Adelaide Network Convenors
Photo credit: Ocean Beachport – Mary Whitehead
Limestone Coast Reggio Emilia Network
In the South East of South Australia, the Limestone Coast Reggio Emilia Network aim to establish ongoing dialogue between educators from all sectors and disciplines. We discuss aspects of the Reggio philosophy and how we, as educators and researchers, challenge, influence and inspire our own pedagogy and practice.
Monday of Week 4 of each term
CONVENOR: Sally Gower