National Twilight Centre Visits

REAIE Twilight Centre Visits provide an opportunity for those interested in the Reggio Emilia Education and Research Project to engage with and discuss this work with colleagues. It is an opportunity for the centres that open to reflect on as well as share their journey. It is also often a great source of inspiration for those visiting. Click here for an article written by Kate Mount from St Peters’ Girls School who hosted a Twilight Centre Visit in 2015.
The next Twilight Centre Visits will be held in October/November 2018. More information will be available in August 2018. If you are interested to learn more about hosting a Twilight Centre Visit, please click here to email the REAIE office.
Twilight Centre Visits – May 2018
On Thursday 24 May, five centres and schools around Australia opened their doors to the REAIE community during the twilight hours. This was a wonderful opportunity for participants to experience different learning environments, view a range of documentation and meet with fellow teaching professionals.
New South Wales
Abbotsleigh Early Learning and Junior School
Pedagogy and curriculum at Abbotsleigh is drawn from a broad and holistic base. Influenced by the work of Malaguzzi and our contemporaries in Reggio Emilia and enriched by current research and development into education globally. At the heart of the approach to learning is a commitment to fostering the sense of wonder, curiosity and creativity of each child. Abbotsleigh believes in the abundant potential of all children. Educators work alongside children as facilitators- strengthening learning dispositions inviting risk taking, flexibility, optimism and tenacity – nurturing life long learners. Educators recognise the potential of young children to question, reflect, problem solve, theorise, hypothesis, collaborate and express their ideas and thinking using a range of mediums. The belief that children of all ages bring knowledge, skills and experiences to their learning is valued and respected and underpins their work.
Museum of Contemporary Art
Discover how the Art & Wonder: Young children and contemporary art research project, in collaboration with Macquarie University and Mia Mia Child and Family Study Centre is informing the MCA’s creative learning programs for early childhood education and care groups, then experiment with ideas and materials during a workshop with MCA Artist Educators. The MCA’s National Centre for Creative Learning, featuring Creative Studios, Digital Studio, Multimedia Studio and interactive Bella Room were open for visitors.
The Point Preschool
The Point Preschool is a community based preschool established in 1956 on Dharawal land. The Point Preschool is inspired and challenged by the Reggio Emilia philosophy and support children to become life-time learners. Children are engaged in inquiry play-based learning that inspires their creativity; connection to country, nature and place; resilience; imagination; curiosity and reflection.
Pope Road Kindergarten
Pope Road Kindergarten is a community based, public kindergarten for children 3-5 years. Teaching and learning is informed and provoked by the research and education project in Reggio Emilia, with a genuine focus on learning through relationships and community. There is intentionality and authenticity in every aspect of their practice. The indoor and outdoor environments were open for visitors.