REAIE Network Groups

REAIE Network Groups operate around Australia.

The intent of the networks is to provide a forum for discussion, debate and research for pedagogical practice within Australian educational settings in response to the provocations of the educational project of Reggio Emilia.

For more information about starting a network group, please contact the REAIE office.

Find a Network Group in your state


The Canberra District Network supports educators across the ACT with events, professional development sessions, conferences and other opportunities to connect with fellow practitioners.


In NSW, REAIE Network Groups include the Eastern Suburbs Provocations Group, Research Conversations NSW, the Inner West Sydney, and the Northern Rivers NSW Network Group.


In Queensland, the 3 active network groups include the Brisbane Research Group, the Gold Coast Reggio Network and the Capricorn Coast Network Group.


In South Australia, network groups meet regularly in Adelaide and on the Limestone Coast to explore the provocations of the Reggio Emilia education project.


The Tasmanian REsearch Network connects educators from all over Tasmania, with regular events around the State to reflect on practice and share information.


The Victorian Network groups currently include the Melbourne Network Group, the Peninsula Network Group, the Western Suburbs Mebourne Network and the Ballarat Network.


In WA, the Perth Reggio Network is a longstanding, active member of the national network.