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April 2023 Study Tour Review

This year’s April Study Tour to Reggio Emilia consisted of one hundred delegates from around Australia supported by two study tour leaders, Ruth Weinstein, and Kirsty Liljegren. Participants ranged from […]

Outcomes as Concepts

“When I use a word”, Humpty Dumpty said in a rather scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean – neither more nor less”. “The question is,” […]

Creating The Best Possible Story

Creating The Best Possible Story “We are not the things we accumulate. We are not the things we deem important. We are story. All of us. What comes to matter, […]

Transforming Leadership

Transformation begins when we critically reflect both individually and as teams on the dominant discourses that shackle critical thinking, innovation, and change.  This blog will focus on “change, or the […]

Transforming End of Year Celebrations

REAIE recognises that 2020 represents a year of crises and acknowledges that educational settings have had to face the challenges of COVID by being responsive and creating adaptive pathways. It […]

Orienting Participation

REAIE made a public statement earlier in the year in response to the global call for respectful relationships. This statement continues to be the catalyst for the current pedagogical direction […]

Orienting Democracy

The public statement made by REAIE in response to the global call for respectful relationships continues to be the catalyst for the current pedagogical direction that REAIE is taking.  In […]

Orienting Otherness

Previous blogs have mentioned the public statement made by REAIE in response to the global call for respectful relationships. This declaration was cognizant that education required a political commitment and […]

Orienting Rights

REAIE recently made a public statement in response to the global call for respectful relationships. This declaration was cognizant that education requires a political commitment and was collaboratively developed as […]

Reframing Learning: From Uncertainty to Hope

As pedagogical dialogue and practices gradually return to ‘normal,’ there appears to be a certain tension about what ‘normal’ is. What has COVID disrupted in us as individuals, and in […]

Reframing Learning: A Pedagogy of Joy

In the entrance to the Diana school in Reggio Emilia, we see a large banner that hosts the phrase, ‘nothing without joy’.  Although attributed to Loris Malaguzzi, Alfredo Hoyuelos notes […]

Reframing Alliances with Families

The value of the relationships we build with families should never be underestimated. As teachers, educators and leaders, we are mindful of the impact that these relationships can have on the wellbeing and the learning of children. Self-isolation and social distancing practices are significant and, as we all experience the far-reaching effects of this pandemic, we should ask ourselves, what does this mean for education and our relationships with families?